In 2018, I led and initiated an effort to implement a design system for a flagship product called Ford Commercial Solutions.
Each product team was implementing custom styling and recreating elements that contributed to an inconsistent user experience. Valuable time was wasted that could have been leveraged to enhance our platform and provide value to our users.
We knew we could solve this problem with creating our own system and establishing new practices amongst our frontend teams.
Ford Motor Company, Ford Commercial Solutions
Lead designer
March - June 2018
Ford Commercial Solutions creates tools and services to help fleets of vehicles optimize, adapt, become more operationally efficient, and more deeply understand the health of their fleet. Our integrated tool helped fleet managers increase vehicle uptime, reduce maintenance costs, manage compliance, and understand business impact on a per-vehicle and per-driver level. Ford Telematics™ data allowed fleet managers to monitor their vehicles at all times to understand where they go, how they’re used, and how they’re running.
Our customers included fleets for non-emergency medical transportation vehicles, police, plumbers, construction groups, and more.
For example, our table component, one of our most heavily used UI elements, had been implemented vastly differently across four different pages. When we were building out our live map feature to provide realtime updates of vehicle location and status (e.g. stopped, idle, moving), we needed a table that listed out the events. My team found it was difficult to rebuild and that the other teams all implemented our tables differently (across 8 different pages).
For the system's visual elements, we also had several differently defined colors, icons, and type styles and didn’t know the power of design tokens.
Here’s an example of a UI page that displays the various vehicles, customers, and their pricing package. This page, along with several other pages in our app, had its own implementation of a data table. The design and layout is different as seen below in the Fuel UI page example. We wanted to streamline one of our more complicated UI elements by providing a component that accounted for the various needs of our table, like displaying custom columns, expanding and collapsing rows and sorting columns.
In February 2018, the product teams came together for a goals workshop. We had learned over the previous few months that the users' experience was being negatively impacted by the lack of cohesion from our UI inconsistencies, causing confusion and frustration.
Rather than sweeping these issues under the rug, our team decided to prioritize addressing these inconsistencies to help build trust and improve the way we built our product.
Our goal: Our design system helps us work together to build a great experience for all of our FCS customers.
To uncover the issues in detail, I organized a UI audit exercise with our Product Manager, developers, and another designer to identify the disparities in the design and code at micro and macro levels.
We printed off screenshots of every product page and put them up on the walls. By seeing everything in one place and side by side, it helped us quickly find the variability.
The audit helped us...
Ford had an established brand and styleguide for its digital products. But the library it lived in experienced serious neglect. Being a designer who had been using the Sketch file and site for a few months, I had seen and experienced it firsthand. The sketch file alone had a slew of inconsistencies, redundancies, and one-off components, which contributed to the greater problem of UI inconsistency in the product itself. At the time, our designers didn’t have enough capacity to maintain or add to it, so it was not as tended to and cared for as it needed to be.
With our findings from the audit, I got to work on the Sketch UI Library and system, “FUI,” which stands for “FCS User Interface.”
I experimented with updating and streamlining components and styles by implementing them across various product pages. We continued to use Sketch, and its (“new" at the time) Sketch shared library. I was able to create a library of UI components with corresponding “how to use” documentation and guidelines. With learnings from the audit, I also simplified and systematized our typography and colors, like removing too many similar neutrals and reducing type styles that were too specific to features or components.
When the library was in an MVP, shareable state, we made it available to our designers via Sketch Library. By utilizing the editable and flexible Sketch symbols, our designers could focus on UX, and not re-designing the product over and over. I also taught the designers how to contribute new components and styles.
Additionally, we evaluated the needs for adding new components together as a team. I ran workshops to determine how we could define those components and patterns visually to continue enhancing the experience of our product.
We also created a site to see live components and learn how to implement them. We were a Vue based app, so our components were all written in the framework.
As we added components to FUI, our teams adopted them as they came, starting with tables and dialogs. Teams were eager to use the new system as it was simpler to adopt than recreating elements on their own or finding external third party libraries, as they had been doing previously.
Designers began to use the Sketch Library in their designs and were also contributing new patterns and components as needed. It was encouraging to see the system working to align our UI within the teams and across the product.
FUI is still used by the FCS product teams today, 4 years after we launched the initial version. It’s great to see the FUI system continue to be useful in delivering value to the internal team members at Ford, but also the end users at large.